Institute for War & Peace Reporting


Stories by the Author

Opinion: Big Missions

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Da'wa Party, chaired by outgoing prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'fari.

28 Apr 06

Editorial: Wisdom

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

28 Apr 06

Freedom and Arrest

Hawlati is an independent newspaper issued weekly by Ranj Print House.

28 Apr 06

Satellite TV Under Threat

Since the Turkmen president placed a ban on cable television in 2002, satellite TV has been the only source of objective information for the nation. However, Turkmenistan’s citizens fear that the authorities will soon ban the use of satellite antennas, to

27 Apr 06

Getting By

Despite the serious economic situation, Turkmenistan’s population is adapting to modern living conditions and finding additional ways to earn a living.

27 Apr 06
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