IWPR’s programming helps individuals and groups develop the skills, networks and platforms they need to communicate effectively, objectively and safely to help them drive positive change.
Where We Work
Projects and initiatives are developed in partnership with local organisations and are designed to meet the needs of the communities they serve. All programmes and projects are measured and evaluated to ensure that participants and future initiatives benefit from lessons learned.
Projects By Region

IWPR Africa gives voice to the voiceless on critical topics such as human rights and impunity. Working in some of the most complex operating environments across the continent, IWPR programming in Africa helps citizens to make informed decisions on issues that affect their daily lives.
Programming includes the ongoing Voices for Change (2017-2025) initiative building the capacity of human rights defenders, civil society groups, and journalists to work together to raise public awareness and launch advocacy campaigns focused on human rights violations. IWPR also continues to support leading African reporters produce critical reporting for IWPR.net beyond our core project countries, with essential reporting from the likes of Ethiopia, Mali, and Tanzania.

IWPR Asia works across South, South East and East Asia to counter disinformation, strengthen government accountability and promote human rights. Our work in the region builds links across media, civil society and, where appropriate, government, to inform and drive change.
Along with our core mission of training journalists and supporting investigative reporting, we engage citizens and citizens groups to help them become active participants in public life, informing themselves and advocating on issues that matter. We support local media, civil society groups and cross-border networks throughout the region to research, identify and combat the influence of Chinese ‘sharp power’. In the Indo-Pacific area, we support a wide range of groups to build greater understanding and resilience against COVID-inspired disinformation.

IWPR works across the Western Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia to strengthen local voices of reporters, civil society activists and expert analysts and policy makers. Our focus is on strengthening the nexus among media, civil society and, where possible, officials, to help drive informed change.
Efforts focus on human rights reporting, peace building and reconciliation, anti-corruption and transparency, and expert policy research and analysis. IWPR’s enjoys deep networks in these regions, where we have worked since our founding and earliest years.

Latin America & the Caribbean
IWPR Latin America and the Caribbean currently works across five countries in the region where freedom of expression and access to information are at risk, supporting journalism and building activists’ digital and social media skills.
We strengthen the capacity of journalists and media outlets, from basic reporting to financial sustainability, as well as providing security training and support. IWPR builds links with civil society groups, enhancing communications strategies and supporting cyber activists to build awareness among new generations of freedom of expression and human rights issues.

Middle East & North Africa
IWPR programming in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region strengthen local voices of journalists, women activists, minority communities and others to help achieve positive change. IWPR maintains regional programming as well as a number of extensive and long-standing country projects.
Highlights include basic skills and security training and mentoring, supporting social media champions, strengthening women’s civil society groups and impacting public discourse through social media champions. IWPR’s has worked in the region since launching Iraq programming in 2003.

Women’s Prize for Journalism

Ukraine Justice Report

Ukraine War Diary by Anthony Borden

Ukraine Voices

Consortium to Support Independent Journalism in Latin America (CAPIR)

Voices for Change, Africa
IWPR Academy academy.iwpr.net
IWPR Netherlands iwpr.nl
Caucasus: Women Connecting for Peace women4peace.net
CABAR - Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting cabar.asia
CABAR - Media School school.cabar.asia
CAPIR capir.net
Cyber Arabs cyber-arabs.com
Cyber Women cyber-women.com
Liberated T liberated-t.com
Syria Stories syriastories.net