Russian Soldiers Convicted of Executing Brothers
One brother survived and was able to identify those responsible for killing his two siblings.
What’s Holding up the Special Tribunal for Putin?
Ukraine is battling to build an international consensus over the denial of immunity.
Russian Soldier Faces Trial for Murder of Ukrainian POW
Case marks first time defendant in such a case has been physically present in court.
Russian Commander Has Life Sentence Upheld on Appeal
Court confirms guilt of battalion commander who ordered soldiers to fire on civilians in Kharkiv on the first day of all-out invasion.
Ukraine: Compensating Survivors of War Crimes
Up to 10 million applications are expected to be submitted to the International Register of Damages.
Investigating the Deportation of Ukrainian Children
Expert predicts further international arrests may be issued amid ongoing deportations.
Could Central Asian Insurgents in Syria Present a New Regional Threat?
Given the high mobility of these foreign jihadists, they could spread instability across the entire Middle East, Africa, and the global community.
Global Voices: Europe/Eurasia
Editor's Picks
Ukraine Justice: “Reporting the Story is Just the Start”
Journalists need training and support to properly cover war crimes trials.
Ugandan Women Pay the Price of Exploitation
Activists warn that vulnerable domestic workers risk abuse, often returning with serious health conditions.
Harsh Victory at Position X
Commitment, sacrifice and luck secured a vital early win in the south-eastern campaign, but can Ukrainian forces press on?
Behind the Wheel in a Macho City
Some women face Adana's male-dominated traffic chaos for a living.
Life in the Shadows for Armenia’s Transgender Community
Recent murder highlights widespread discrimination and violence against LGBTI people.
Interview: The War on Disinformation
Open source intelligence (OSINT) can provide facts – but impatient, angry audiences often prefer opinions.