“In Almost Every Village We Visited, We Encountered Torture Chambers.”
How Truth Hounds investigators document Russian war crimes.
How Truth Hounds investigators document Russian war crimes.
“To understand what's happening, you have to multiply Bucha and Irpin and Borodyanka a hundred times.”
More than 13 per cent of the country needs demining. It will take decades and more than 250 billion US dollars.
Residents believe the Russians attacked so viciously because of spirited resistance by the local territorial defence.
Residents tell how Russian soldiers left civilians to die in the basement of a bombed out building.
In Russian-occupied areas, the modus operandi has become random torture and the execution of civilians, seemingly on a whim.
Locals recount random, unaccountable violence against civilians in clear evidence of war crimes.
China's aggression appears diplomatically inept, but provoking Western hostility can bring rewards.
Milorad Dodik rejects prosecution’s claim that there was a plan to separate communities.