Mladic Witness Unaware of Wartime Crimes
Former senior officer said it was impossible to know whether his forces caused destruction.
Former senior officer said it was impossible to know whether his forces caused destruction.
"Never again" does not mean much when divisions remain so deep.
Images reflect unresolved issues around an undisputed massacre.
Demographer tells Hague tribunal that victims “died violent deaths in extremely dramatic circumstances”.
Top Serbian security officers were acquitted two years ago in controversial ruling.
Exhumation of burial site in northwestern Bosnian municipality forms part of new evidence of atrocities.
Mladic defence witness says Bosnian Muslim fighters deliberately hid among civilians during siege.
Prosecution contends that ex-army chief was in command of soldiers who carried out the killings.
After shooting down protesters in 2005, Uzbekistan’s government concluded that repression works, that historical truth can be suppressed, and that no one will really care in the long run.
Wartime officer tells judges that officers feared paramilitaries would attack villagers if they remained.