
More Electoral Machinations In Serbia

While Serbia's opposition is seeking elections at federal, republican and local levels, the most the regime is offering is a municipal poll. Meanwhile, lest voting change anything, new legislation is likely to slash the powers of local government.

10 Nov 05

Serbia's Forgotten Martyrs

Once the Serbian media portrayed them as martyrs whose plight demanded war against Croats, Muslims and Albanians. Today, the forgotten victims of Belgrade's drive for a Greater Serbia, they live in squalor in collective centres in Serbia where mental illn

10 Nov 05

Montenegro Bides its Time

This week's meetings between Serbia and Montenegro have left the small republic in a state of confusion. Is Djukanovic backing slowly away from the idea of independence or buying himself space and time to cut free from the federation?

10 Nov 05

Montenegro Makes the Most of the Fortunes of War

A small town on Montenegro's border with Kosovo has become a paradise for smugglers and a blessing for the Kosovo Albanians desperate to buy back the passports and cars they lost in the spring. Meanwhile, there is a roaring trade in construction materials

10 Nov 05

State Serves Up Fresh Insults Daily In New War Of Invective

The state media is whipping up traditional Serb homophobia by accusing the opposition of 'suspected attraction to the same sex'. It's just part of a strategy to further divide and demoralize critics of the regime, and now the police are playing the same g

10 Nov 05
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