
The UN's Mea Culpa Over Srebrenica

With uncharacteristic frankness the UN has admitted liability in the deaths of thousands of civilians murdered by Serbian forces in the so-called UN "safe haven".

10 Nov 05

The Cult Of Milosevic

The personality cult surrounding Yugoslav President Milosevic has reached a new crescendo over recent weeks following calls to deem him 'national hero'.

10 Nov 05

Mixed Reaction To Srebrenica Report

The soldiers of DutchBat III have escaped serious criticism from UN investigators studying the Srebrenica massacre. It is news welcomed with much relief in Dutch official circles - but by great anger among the survivors.

10 Nov 05

Kosovo Abandoned?

Ethnic Albanian demands for independence and continued reprisals against

10 Nov 05

Belgrade's Paramilitaries Set Up Base In Montenegro

Former Yugoslav Army chief Momcilo Perisic says squads of well-paid, battle-hardened troops are setting up base in Montenegro - loyal only to Belgrade and promising only trouble for the tiny republic.

10 Nov 05
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