
The Battle Over the Crude

Rivalries erupted among the opposition as soon as the EU announced its heating oil aid to two towns in southern Serbia. But the real risk is that the regime, too, has its eye on the crude.

10 Nov 05

The Comforts of Serbia's Police State

Police are out in force in Serbia, and it seems to make many people feel better. Citizens are urged to spy on their neighbours and stay vigilant for "suspicious" activities. Most are happy to help.

10 Nov 05

Belgrade Offers Federation Talks

After dangerously stoking up the campaign against Montenegro, Belgrade has suddenly offered to continue negotiations with the rebellious republic. It could be the last step before a referendum.

10 Nov 05

Reinforcements in the Sandzak

Additional troops deployed in the Muslim-dominated region of Serbia have raised fears that Milosevic may stir up fresh conflict in his own backyard.

10 Nov 05

Making Murder A Way Of Life

As Milosevic and his associates step up their attacks on the opposition and the media, serious violence in Serbia may be becoming inevitable.

10 Nov 05

Montenegro Counts Its Friends, Then Its Dinars

As Montenegro edges towards fiscal independence from Serbia, Milo Djukanovic's latest tour of European capitals looks like an attempt to secure international support for Montenegro before the final break-up of the federation.

10 Nov 05
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