
Cacak's Voice Of Reason

Opposition Mayor Velimir Ilic made a triumphant return at the first post-war anti-Milosevic rally, setting the stage for further demonstrations in other cities within Serbia.

10 Nov 05

Death Of The Yugo

Kragujevac was the birth place of the former Yugoslavia's best-known export, the Yugo. Now the car is dead and the city appears equally moribund.

10 Nov 05

Kosovo's New Masters Slow To Learn From Bosnia Experience

Heads of states who met Friday in Sarajevo to discuss a stability pact for the Balkans, will be ill-advised to use the West's experience in Bosnia as a model for Kosovo without a full and frank appraisal of their failures there.

10 Nov 05

Blighted Retirement

Pensioners are the group within Serbian society which has fared worst during the past decade, yet they are now expected to tighten their belts once again.

10 Nov 05

Tribunal Defence Lawyers Reject Belgrade Journalist's Charges

Belgrade journalist Milovan Brkic alleges that Milosevic's secret police handpicked a team of defence lawyers to defend Serbs appearing before the Hague Tribunal but ordered them to bury evidence linking the regime to the crimes - even if that meant drivi

10 Nov 05

Comment: Serbia Seeks An Exit from History

Now the epoch of Milosevic is over – and it surely is – Serbs must learn to free themselves from the burden of history and the destructive desire to make and remake it, over and over again.

10 Nov 05

Culture Wars Throw Pop Singer Onto The Political Stage

Alleged plans to appoint Serbian pop-folk singer Zorica Brunclik as the country's new Minister of Culture could mark the start ofMilosevic's all-out war on the arts. Or it could be just another attempt to win over lazy voters and swamp the opposition ahea

10 Nov 05

No Welcome In Belgrade For Serbs Fleeing Kosovo

Serbian families escaping from Kosovo have bought a one-way ticket to Belgrade and what they hoped would be refuge - but have found themselves at the door of an inhospitable host.

10 Nov 05

Definitely Not The Party To Be Seen At

The new state-approved management of the formerly independent Radio B-92 held a party to mark the station's tenth birthday on September 8 - despite the fact that, before they took it over in March, B-92 was a major thorn in the regime's side.

10 Nov 05
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