
Bulatovic's Loyalty Ill-Repaid

Milosevic and his wife have suddenly turned on their loyal ally from Montenegro - a tactic they hope will delay the republic's increasingly likely split from Yugoslavia.

10 Nov 05

Bosnian Croats In Crisis

With the Croatian president near death and the ruling party facing electoral defeat, the Bosnian Croat sister party is also in disarray.

10 Nov 05

Milosevic's Men Are Jumping

The high-profile defection by a previously stalwart Milosevic ally is only the most notable of a slow but steady unravelling of the ruling Socialist Party.

10 Nov 05

Vojvodina's Autonomous Opposition

Calls for autonomy are increasing in Serbia's remaining province, causing growing friction within the opposition movement.

10 Nov 05

The Price Of The Mark For Serbia

The introduction of the German mark as a parallel currency in Montenegro could have a substantial impact on the economy in Serbia.

10 Nov 05

Kosovo House Sales Cement Ethnic Divide

Property prices are shooting up on Kosovo's border with Serbia and speculators moving in as ethnic Albanians from Serbia proper move south to purchase the homes of departing Serbs.

10 Nov 05

Kosovo Cash Crunch

While the international community acknowledges that billions of US dollars are needed for reconstruction in Kosovo, foreign investors confront serious risks when it comes to committing hard cash.

10 Nov 05

Losers Cry Foul As Macedonia Elects New President

Albanians have helped elect the candidate of the Macedonian nationalist party. But widespread claims of electoral fraud have cast a shadow over the poll and will almost certainly lead to political conflict.

10 Nov 05
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