Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia's Draft Election Law Exposes Dayton's Flaws

Bosnia's draft election law has exposed some of the flaws in the Dayton Agreement and generated calls to change the peace accord from groups which have to date been its strongest supporters.

10 Nov 05

Bosnian Croats In Crisis

With the Croatian president near death and the ruling party facing electoral defeat, the Bosnian Croat sister party is also in disarray.

10 Nov 05

The Ruling Bosnian Muslim Coalition Falls Apart

Recent days have brought further changes to the already complicated Bosnian political scene. The ruling Bosnian Muslim coalition has broken apart opening the door for the leading opposition Social Democratic Party to claim more power.

10 Nov 05

Tudjman's Death Leaves Uncertainty In Bosnia

For some people in Bosnia, the death of Franjo Tudjman was a national tragedy, for others it raised hopes for better relations between the two countries. But the post-Tudjman era is bound to bring uncertainty to Bosnia.

10 Nov 05

Vuk Draskovic's Fledgling 'Falcons'

On December 7, the opposition Serbian Renewal Movement announced plans to form a special unit to 'counter the threat of state terrorism'. They have a military-sounding name - the Falcons - but they don't have guns. Yet.

10 Nov 05
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