Bosnia and Herzegovina

Teething Problems for Bosnian Courts

New national war crimes chamber should resolve many issues of fairness, but that doesn’t help trials already under way in local courts.

9 Nov 05

Justice Eludes Republika Srpska

The majority of war crimes were committed in the Bosnian Serb entity, but the authorities seem in no rush to prosecute those responsible.

9 Nov 05

Bosnian Croat Sentences Disputed

Both sides seek changes to hefty prison terms facing two Bosnia Croat leaders, but while the defence wants a reduction, prosecutors ask for longer sentences.

9 Nov 05

Briefly Noted

The tribunal announced this week that the defence phase of the case against Slobodan Milosevic was being pushed back until July 5.

9 Nov 05

No Trace of Mujahedin

Witness in Hadzihasanovic case tells of fruitless search for a rumoured 2,000-strong force of foreign mercenaries.

9 Nov 05
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