Bosnia and Herzegovina

Milosevic Arrested

Slobodan Milosevic surrenders to police, ending a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade.

16 Nov 05

Milosevic's Fate in the Balance

Talks are underway for the surrender of Slobodan Milosevic amid a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade and a mounting power struggle between Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

16 Nov 05

Comment: Serbia's Obligations

Serbia will not be accepted back into the international fold until it starts meeting its international obligations.

16 Nov 05

Milosevic's Bosnia Factor

Former rivals, Milosevic and dismissed Bosnian Serb leader Poplasen are forging a new alliance to try to refresh their standing among the Serbs.

16 Nov 05

An Officer And A Politician

Former Yugoslav chief-of-staff Perisic launched a movement to oust his former boss, Milosevic. But he, too, has been accused of war crimes.

16 Nov 05

Break-Up Beckons

If Belgrade rejects Podgorica's proposal for restructuring the Yugoslav state, an independence referendum will be scheduled for the autumn.

16 Nov 05

Croatia's Long Hot Summer

A succession of foreign visitors have being turning up the heat on Zagreb over war crimes. And things look set to get hotter still.

16 Nov 05
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