Bosnia and Herzegovina

On Hold In RS

Whatever the outcome, the repercussions from the NATO bombing will be huge for Republika Srpska--where pragmatic politicians are trying to keep their options open.

10 Nov 05

Tightening The Noose

The arrest of Radoslav Brdjanin, under a sealed indictment from the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague, has renewed speculation in Republika Srpska as to who else might have been indicted for war crimes.

10 Nov 05

Arrest Fever

As more and more senior war crimes suspects end up in The Hague, speculators wonder who will be arrested next.

10 Nov 05

Honeymoon Over For Dodik

While Carlos Westendorp was High Representative in Bosnia, Republika Srpska's prime minister Milorad Dodik led a protected existence and could do no wrong. No longer.

10 Nov 05

Seselj On The Sidelines, Waiting For His Moment

While Serbia's many opposition politicians attempt to oust Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic by a campaign of street protests, another pretender sits and waits - Vojislav Seselj.

10 Nov 05
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