Moldova’s High Stakes Elections
Pivotal votes will decide whether the country continues on the path of European integration - or chooses closer relations with Russia.
Afghan Women Bear Brunt of Drought Burden
Looming crisis weighs heavy on those most often responsible for sourcing water to meet their household’s needs.
Divisions Emerge Within Afghan Women’s Rights Movement
Issue of direct negotiations with the Taleban proves contentious point among campaigners.
Afghan Journalists in Exile: “Like Swimming in a Swamp”
Reporters working in the diaspora face major challenges, despite huge efforts to ensure reporting from within the country continues.
Lebanon: Nothing About This is Normal
Despite ordinary people’s great resilience, we must never normalise civilians forced to live in a state of war.
Court Begins Examining Evidence in Case of Russian POW
Soldier accused of imprisoning and beating local Ukrainian men to obtain intelligence about the armed forces.
A War Crime Against the Environment
Could the destruction of the Kakhovka dam be prosecuted by the ICC?
Wednesday, 31 Jul ‘24
This week’s overview of key events and links to essential reading.
Ukrainian National Sentenced for Collaboration
A pensioner helped the occupying forces identify Ukrainian men during the occupation of his village in the summer of 2022.
The Reckoning Project: Ukraine Testifies
Project aims to help conflict journalists meet evidential standards that will allow their work to support future justice processes.
Moldova: Hire Me
Testing workshops explore a fun way to encourage girls to enter the IT sector.
Azerbaijan: Peacebuilding for Women
Training, mentorship and network-building contribute to creating a more equal and inclusive society.
Building Resilience in the Eastern Neighbourhood
Subgrants in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova support peace, security and stability.
Central Asian’s Vulnerability to Russian Propaganda
International discussion hears that response must be as complex and varied as disinformation itself.
Silence is Not an Option for Latin America
Independent journalists refuse to submit to widespread repression.
Moldova: From Village to Village
Project trains people in more isolated areas how to identify and combat fake news.
Journalism in Conflict: Reporting from Ukraine and Beyond
Founder Anthony Borden reflects on the 30-year journey of IWPR and how local voices meet the challenge of global disinformation.
Human Rights in Africa
Six-part podcast looks at how telling crucial stories can change lives on the ground.

Voices for Change, Africa

Building Resilience in the Eastern Neighbourhood (BREN)

Countering Disinformation in Moldova

IWPR Women’s Prize for Journalism
IWPR’s inaugural award for outstanding journalism recognises the work of our network of women reporters worldwide. Working in often challenging environments, these journalists face additional threats such as harassment, gender-based violence and systemic misogyny.

World Press Freedom Day 2024
On World Press Freedom Day we focus on local journalists facing myriad challenges in the tireless pursuit of truth and their enduring efforts to bring meaningful change.
Democratic accountability comes from journalists investigating their own societies – IWPR provides a much needed platform and support for those reporting from some of the most dangerous and difficult places in the world.
Disinformation is a major global threat , especially in conflict and post-conflict areas. IWPR performs a vital mission, building up local voices as a bulwark against this challenge.
IWPR fills a critical gap by helping local journalists to focus on human rights and justice issues. In the process, it contributes to democratic transitions, and demonstrates that the best war reporting is not about military conflict, but human consequences.