IWPR founder and director Anthony Borden describes in this podcast how the last year of reporting from Ukraine has shown him how war has served to solidify national unity.
Stressing the strength of civil society and its steadfast growth since the February 24 full-scale invasion, he describes meeting ordinary people around the country who had risen to the challenge of war.
“The entire society is entirely unified and mobilised.”
“Russia expected that this would be an FSB [security service] operation to flip the country, no more no less,” he said, adding that the war was in fact “a fight against the entire nation; they do not simply not want to be occupied, they cannot be occupied”.
Noting the “attempted strangulation of national identity” in the occupied areas, he said that Ukrainians had continued to resist the Russian forces as “a cohesive unit”.
“The entire society is entirely unified and mobilised,” Borden concluded.