Yevheniia Virlych and Naumova Olena
"Good reporting means we can't forget about the crimes."
Yuriy Larin
"This is an important part of the information war with Russia."
Viktoriia Mankovska
"If we don't talk about war crimes today, they will be forgotten tomorrow."
Ukraine: Understanding War Crimes Trials
Public awareness and appreciation of often complex processes is vital to their success.
Lessons Learned from Moldova’s Elections
Chisinau event hears that “disinformation reached unprecedented levels”.
Moldova: Roma Women Driving Change
Capacity-building programme aims to increase participation in wider peace and security decision-making processes.
Impact: Europe & Eurasia
Featured Impact
Covering War Crimes in Ukraine
IWPR reporting project provides unique insight and access to historic opportunity to see justice done for wartime atrocities.
Syria: Female Prisoners Speak Out
“It is not fair for us to face injustice both inside and outside prison.”
The Reckoning Project: Ukraine Testifies
Project aims to help conflict journalists meet evidential standards that will allow their work to support future justice processes.
The Cashier of Dubai: Investigative Journalism with Impact
Moldova story leads to international legal cooperation in anti-corruption case.
Latin America: Security Support Provides Media “Lifeline”
Physical, psycho-emotional and digital safety consultations allow vulnerable media workers to gain key skills.
Combating Disinformation in Venezuela
Media and NGO alliance reveals extent to which the issue affects country’s online information space.