Middle East

Syrian Schoolgirl Dropouts Rise

Officials fail to impose mandatory education as parent put girls to work or marry them off. By an IWPR-trained reporter

30 Mar 10

A Desperate Search for Treatment

IWPR journalist describes how a medical emergency in the family revealed the chronic problems facing her country. By Abeer Mohammed in Baghdad

26 Mar 10

Capital Tackles Housing Woes

Better regulation and more money for new developments hoped to ease problems facing the sector. By Faleh Hasan in Baghdad

25 Mar 10

Child Labour in Syria

Audio slideshow produced during an IWPR workshop for young Syrian journalists held in Beirut, October 2009.

23 Mar 10

Syrian Women Turn to Belly Dancing for Exercise

Belly dancing has long been an important cultural tradition in the Middle East but still is largely stigmatised as something seedy or to be seen mostly in films or on the stage.

19 Mar 10
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