
Syria Feels the Heat

US pressure on Iraq's neighbour has strengthened hardliners and set-back the nascent movement for political opening.

22 Feb 05

Justice the Day After

Long-standing efforts to bring the Iraqi leadership to justice have failed, leaving the strategy for dealing with any deposed rulers unclear.

22 Feb 05

Not With a Bang, But a Whimper?

Although fighting continues, Saddam Hussein may fall from power without invoking his long-standing threat of a final disaster.

22 Feb 05

From Dictatorship to Democracy

The real work of building a new Iraq begins today, and their strong sense of patriotism may be the force that helps Iraqis overcome their tragic recent past.

22 Feb 05

Comment: A Century of Arab Delusion

Iraq perfected a corrupted version of Arab nationalism, but it was Arab intellectuals who created and then abetted it. Can they ever change their spots?

22 Feb 05

Comment: His Own Man

Ahmad Chalabi: self-seeking agent of American imperialism or genuine champion of freedom?

22 Feb 05

The New Abraham

The retired US general tasked with forming an interim administration in Iraq is very excited to be in the cradle of civilization. Sadly for us, it's now lying in ruins.

22 Feb 05

The 'Who's Next' Syndrome

Arab states are obsessed with America's next moves, and no regime is more concerned than the House of Saud.

22 Feb 05
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