
Imagined Community

Speaking Iraqi to Iraqi, one observer sees beyond the division and discord plaguing the country in the aftermath of the war.

22 Feb 05

Stirrings in Egypt

The fall of Saddam Hussein has opened debate over "regime change" in other Arab countries.

22 Feb 05

Repairing US-Arab Relations

Journalists, businessmen and academics have a duty to reduce the dangerous gap between America's stated intentions in the Middle East and the Arab world's growing animosity.

22 Feb 05

New Flag Provokes Fury

Ordinary Iraqis say Governing Council has no right to alter national symbol.

22 Feb 05

Baghdadis Say No to More Troops

Most people interviewed in the capital are opposed to a further deployment of US troops, especially in built-up areas.

22 Feb 05

Chaos in the Iraqi Media

The United States risks losing a major opportunity to forge an open media in the Middle East.

22 Feb 05

TV Station Boycott Row

Media rights groups defend banned Arab TV stations - ordinary Iraqis say they had it coming.

22 Feb 05

New Twist in Israeli Visit Case

Dismissed politician may never face trial for “illegal” Israeli trip after the judge who charged him is dismissed.

22 Feb 05
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