First Person
Bad Books in Azerbaijan
IWPR’s country director had book confiscated just because it was published in Armenia.
Non-Violence Still Best Hope for Syrian Opposition
Opposition divided between advocates of violent and peaceful means of resolving conflict.
Syrian Army Continues Idlib Onslaught
Local activist describes destruction in villages and indiscriminate killing.
Police Round Up Men After Janaozen Violence
Newspaper correspondent describes tense aftermath of violence in west Kazakstan oil town.
Egypt: Renewed Violence in Tahrir Square
Activist says situation just like original uprising in January.
Yemeni Journalists Targeted by Regime
Exiled journalist describes the threats and intimidation directed against the local press.
Gaddafi Death "Wipes Slate Clean"
Exultant Libyans say they feel reborn following the killing of Gaddafi who for so long cast a dark shadow over so many of his people.
Egypt: Copts Fear for Future
Tensions grows after violence on October 9 which left 26 people dead and more than 300 injured.
Syrian Prisoner Speaks of Torture Regime
He tells of months of suffering at the hands of the secret police.