Azeri Opposition Backs Kiev Protests, Can't Replicate Them
Sustained, regime-shaking demonstrations seem out of the question in Azerbaijan.
Sustained, regime-shaking demonstrations seem out of the question in Azerbaijan.
Popular Front party headquarters hit by “accidental” blast, followed by deliberate demolition on health and safety grounds.
Damning resolution still falls short of call for sanctions, as politicians weigh dangers for Georgia itself.
Everyone agrees community-based rehabilitation has worked, but the government doesn’t have the money to pick up the costs.
Speakers at IWPR debate discuss whether recent deterioration indicates worse is to come.
Regulations aim to clamp down on illegal trade and stop people devising their own cures.
Policy shift towards community care has not extended to children with disabilities.
What was meant as temporary refuge has become home to people who fled Abkhazia two decades ago.
They have proof they paid for their land, but the authorities say official documents don't mean a thing.
Khadija Ismayil published a document on the secret service spying on the opposition. Prosecutors say that's a state secret.