
Blaskic Sentenced To 45 Years.

Bosnian Croat commander Tihomir Blaskic sentenced to record prison term for crimes committed by forces under his command in central Bosnia in 1993.

3 Mar 00

Kvocka Takes The Stand In Camps Trial.

The trial of four Bosnian Serbs accused of crimes committed at the infamous Omarska, Keraterm and Trnopolje detention camps in northwest Bosnia in 1992 finally gets underway.

3 Mar 00

Furundzija Appeal Hearing.

Bosnian Croat Anto Furundzija contests conviction and sentence for abetting the rape and torture of a young Muslim woman in Vitez in 1993. The defence accuses one of the original trial judges of bias.

3 Mar 00

Chirac Promises To Hunt Down Karadzic.

French President Jacques Chirac visits the Tribunal and says his government will act to catch accused war criminals, especially former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic.

3 Mar 00

Trip To Hague Looming For Tuta.

The saga Mladen "Tuta" Naletilic saga took a new twist last week when two Dutch doctors ruled the suspected war criminal fit to travel - contradicting findings by Zagreb doctors in February. The Croat justice minister says he will respect the new report

3 Mar 00

Blaskic To Receive Judgement On March 3

Seven months after the conclusion of his trial, former Croatian Defence Council (HVO) commander, Tihomir Blaskic will hear his fate later this week.

26 Feb 00

Serb Agents Fuel Kosovo Violence

Belgrade has dispatched agents provocateurs to Kosovo in an effort to undermine international peace-keeping efforts.

25 Feb 00

Croatia's Secret Files

Franjo Tudjman's son is implicated in the reported disappearance of key documents about secret deals between his late father and Slobodan Milosevic.

25 Feb 00
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