
Belgrade Offers Federation Talks

After dangerously stoking up the campaign against Montenegro, Belgrade has suddenly offered to continue negotiations with the rebellious republic. It could be the last step before a referendum.

10 Nov 05

Voting Around The Christmas Tree

President Franjo Tudjman is wrapping up a Christmas present for the Croatian people - a parliamentary election on December 22 that his ruling HDZ party is widely expected to lose heavily. Unless they pull a few surprises first.

10 Nov 05

Serbia's Forgotten Martyrs

Once the Serbian media portrayed them as martyrs whose plight demanded war against Croats, Muslims and Albanians. Today, the forgotten victims of Belgrade's drive for a Greater Serbia, they live in squalor in collective centres in Serbia where mental illn

10 Nov 05

Bosnian Croats In Crisis

With the Croatian president near death and the ruling party facing electoral defeat, the Bosnian Croat sister party is also in disarray.

10 Nov 05

Croatia Faces Constitutional Crisis

Recent up-beat reports on the president's health have been greeted with scepticism within Croatia, where observers fear the ruling party will stop at nothing to retain their hold on political power.

10 Nov 05

Wave Of Anti-Americanism Sweeps Croatia

Zagreb's latest and most blatant anti-American outburst adopted a tone and manner not seen since the Communist era and the height of the Cold War - and has elicited a swift response from the US State Department.

10 Nov 05

Tudjman's Death Leaves Uncertainty In Bosnia

For some people in Bosnia, the death of Franjo Tudjman was a national tragedy, for others it raised hopes for better relations between the two countries. But the post-Tudjman era is bound to bring uncertainty to Bosnia.

10 Nov 05

Croatia's Failed Historian

Dragutin Hedl reflects on the legacy of Croatia's leader - Tudjman the Tito fan, the fanatical nationalist, the lover of luxury and hoarder of riches, his country's self-proclaimed hero - and its wrecker.

10 Nov 05
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