
Before The Deluge: Agani's Last Interview

"An agreement will mean the end of all the Serbs' pretensions and illusions in Kosovo. But Albanians will only accept Yugoslav sovereignty if NATO really comes."

10 Nov 05

Death Of The Yugo

Kragujevac was the birth place of the former Yugoslavia's best-known export, the Yugo. Now the car is dead and the city appears equally moribund.

10 Nov 05

Winning Team?

The former communist Ivica Racan and moderate Croat nationalist Drazen Budisa have teamed up to defeat Croatia's ruling HDZ in parliamentary elections which have to take place no later than January next year.

10 Nov 05

Arrest Fever

As more and more senior war crimes suspects end up in The Hague, speculators wonder who will be arrested next.

10 Nov 05

Sakic Sentence Opens Israeli Doors For Tudjman

The trial and 20-year sentence of 78-year-old death camp commander Dinko Sakic have opened up new possibilities for Croatia and its president Franjo Tudjman, including a state visit to Israel.

10 Nov 05


With 12 arrests in just one day for fraud and tax evasion Bosnia may give the impression that it is tackling the corruption that blights its development, but sceptics say the small fry arrested so far are just are sacrifices to placate the international c

10 Nov 05
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