
The Limits of Self-Representation

It’s a fundamental legal right, but the tribunal is now turning down requests from indictees who wish to follow Milosevic’s example.

18 Nov 05


Another Serb official dismisses talk of notorious massacre in Kosovo village.

18 Nov 05

Milosevic Arrested

Slobodan Milosevic surrenders to police, ending a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade.

16 Nov 05

Milosevic's Fate in the Balance

Talks are underway for the surrender of Slobodan Milosevic amid a tense stand-off at his residence in Belgrade and a mounting power struggle between Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica and Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic.

16 Nov 05

An Impossible Choice

Miroslav Filipovic has been jailed for seven years for choosing to stick by his professional principals.

16 Nov 05

The Kosovo Numbers Game

So how many people were killed in Kosovo? Opponents of the NATO bombing campaign claim estimates were wildly exaggerated through cynical propaganda. But the totals for confirmed dead are mounting.

16 Nov 05
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