Institute for War & Peace Reporting


Stories by the Author

Turkmenistan's Unwanted Newspapers

The only way to get people in Turkmenistan to take out a subscription to one of the country’s stiflingly dull government newspapers and magazines is to threaten them with dismissal.

18 Dec 06

Gas Find Comes at Human Cost

In their haste to confirm the discovery of a massive gas deposit, Turkmen government officials may have contributed to an accident that left two workers and ten others in hospital with burns. Although the blast occurred in early November, news of the casu

18 Dec 06

Urban Businesses Hit by Dubious Taxes

The long-established practice of getting public- and private-sector enterprises to pay for urban improvement is being exploited by corrupt municipal government officials. <br />

18 Dec 06

Turkmen Army Unfit for Service

Army recruiters in Turkmenistan will take anyone, no matter how unfit, to fill the ranks of an army whose main job is to provide a free labour force. IWPR has learned that the military is even calling up people with disabilities in its desperate attempt t

18 Dec 06

Teachers Face Unusual Exam

A new government initiative in Turkmenistan appears designed to cut teachers’ salaries by setting them standards which many will fail to meet.

18 Dec 06

NGOs Denied Legal Status

The government of Turkmenistan appears to be taking the easiest route to controlling the country’s non-government organisations, NGOs – denying them registration.

18 Dec 06

NGO staff kidnapped

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture and Arts.

18 Dec 06
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