“I Never Witnessed an Earthquake Like This”
Elderly people struggle to deal with the aftermath of disaster.
Elderly people struggle to deal with the aftermath of disaster.
Boy waits for urgently-needed chemotherapy as border crossing with Turkey remains closed.
People with chronic conditions struggle to access care following the earthquake.
Health care employees call for higher wages and better working conditions amid rising cost of living.
Country has long had low spending on healthcare, leading to huge pressure on ordinary citizens.
Authorities are taking measures to address high infertility rate and address demographic challenges.
Project delivers medical aid to people in remote areas and those displaced by the war.
Country’s medical system now has to deal with a huge influx of complex injuries suffered in the ongoing war – and that includes psychological trauma.
Activists call on government and local industry to respond to recent research revealing major hazards.
A medical support programme aims to heal wounds between Abkhazians and Georgians.