Middle East

The Nakhichevan Factor

What is it about Nakhichevan? Although comprising only 10 per cent of the Azerbaijani population, virtually every member of the country's political elite hails from the tiny enclave.

19 Nov 99


There are clear improvements in the Georgian economy - yet more than half of the country's unemployed have been out of work for more than three years and 41 percent of this group are professionally qualified. Half are women.

12 Nov 99

Talks Spell Hope For Karabakh Accord

Meetings this month between the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan are raising expectations of a peace agreement over the disputed territory.

22 Oct 99

Kosovo Rape Victims Suffer Twice

The use of rape as a weapon of war was widespread in Kosovo. But the scale of the atrocities have been hidden by Albanian communities to hide their "shame" from the outside world.

18 Jun 99

Where Next for the Displaced?

About 110,000 refugees remain in Macedonia, and the hard questions begin: what will they do, where will they go, will they ever return? And will last week's promises of help ever materialise?

15 Apr 99

Serbia's Muslims Leave the Sandzak

Tensions are rising in the Sandzak, a predominantly Muslim region within Serbia. Many Muslims fear that ethnic cleansing awaits them too, and are leaving. Those who remain are being asked to help finance the Yugoslav Army.

9 Apr 99
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