Iraqi Kurdistan

Holding the Government to Account

Leading academic and writer Kanan Makiya argues that without a leadership ready to move beyond sectarian politics, nothing is possible, least of all the defeat of the insurgency. <i><b><a href="">Iraqi Governanc

20 Feb 07

Polygamy - Rights and Wrongs

Long denounced as a violation of women's human rights, polygmany is however seen by some women as a legitimate practice.

9 Feb 07

Left on the Shelf

The number of so-called old maids, or unmarried women, in Iraq has increased over the last two decades.

20 Dec 06

Turkmen Army Unfit for Service

Army recruiters in Turkmenistan will take anyone, no matter how unfit, to fill the ranks of an army whose main job is to provide a free labour force. IWPR has learned that the military is even calling up people with disabilities in its desperate attempt t

18 Dec 06
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