Iraqi Kurdistan

Under the Veil - Choice or Coercion?

The wearing of the Hijab, or veil, a traditional Muslim custom, denounced as repressive by many, is being observed by increasing numbers of women in Iraq.

17 Apr 07

Brides Pay High Price

Campaigners urge an end to the practice of exchange marriage which, although in decline, continues to destroy the lives of young girls.

11 Apr 07

Karzai Talks Tough in Helmand

The president delivers a tough-love speech in the troubled province, calling on residents to take responsibility for their own security.

11 Apr 07

Afghanistan's Poppy Conundrum

This year’s eradication campaign in Helmand seems to be accomplishing little except beefing up support for the Taleban.

20 Mar 07

Fast-Track Learning for Women

Schools in the Kurdish north are encouraging adult education for women who never had a chance to go to school when they were young.

4 Mar 07
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