Cold Comfort for Displaced Armenian Villagers
Villagers who fled homes nearly two decades ago still waiting for decent housing.
Court Hears Details of Greater Croatia Plan
Prosecution in case of six ex-Bosnian Croat leaders explains how alleged plan came about and was implemented.
Seselj Urges Action Over Ex-Detention Unit Officer
Serb nationalist politician claims the former officer revealed Milosevic’s personal details prejudicing work of tribunal.
Karadzic Trial Faces Six Week Suspension
Judges rule that defendant needs time to review large amount of new material.
Kyrgyz Petrol Price Cuts Fail to Curb Inflation
Reduced prices at pumps offset by wider economic problems.
International Justice/ICTY: Dec '10/Jan ‘11
IWPR trainees to cover topics intended to help country come to terms with its past.
Transitional Justice Project Launched in Bosnia
IWPR trainees to cover topics intended to help country come to terms with its past.
Azeri Theatre Struggles to Survive in Georgia
Minority-language theatre desperately short of funding.
Global Voices: Europe/Eurasia
Editor's Picks
Ukraine Justice: “Reporting the Story is Just the Start”
Journalists need training and support to properly cover war crimes trials.
Ugandan Women Pay the Price of Exploitation
Activists warn that vulnerable domestic workers risk abuse, often returning with serious health conditions.
Harsh Victory at Position X
Commitment, sacrifice and luck secured a vital early win in the south-eastern campaign, but can Ukrainian forces press on?
Behind the Wheel in a Macho City
Some women face Adana's male-dominated traffic chaos for a living.
Life in the Shadows for Armenia’s Transgender Community
Recent murder highlights widespread discrimination and violence against LGBTI people.
Interview: The War on Disinformation
Open source intelligence (OSINT) can provide facts – but impatient, angry audiences often prefer opinions.