Central Asia

Young Tajiks Seek Voice Through Elections

Although many of the candidates nominated for the forthcoming elections in Tajikistan are young, the past record suggests that few of them will make it into parliament or local councils.

20 Feb 10

Uzbek Trial Stirs Memories of Stalinism

The first trial of Andijan “terrorists” looks decidedly staged, but can the government really close off access to other views of what happened.

15 Feb 10

End of the Beginning in Kyrgyzstan

As pessimists warn that continuing social conflict in Kyrgyzstan is the first sign of state disintegration, the friction may just be a necessary part of building a more democratic society.

15 Feb 10

Dealing With Hizb-ut-Tahrir

Repressive policies from Central Asia governments have done nothing to curb the rise of the banned Islamic party.

15 Feb 10

Uzbeks Prey to Modern Slave Trade

As poverty and unemployment drive an increasing number of workers abroad, many become victims of traffickers who sell them into virtual slavery.

15 Feb 10
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