
A Shared Suffering

Women in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Azerbaijan and the North Caucasus face official and societal discrimination.

19 May 05

IWPR Launches New Women's Reporting Programme

In launching our Women’s Reporting and Dialogue Programme, IWPR looks at a different kind of frontline - the battle women in Islamic countries are waging to define new rights in changing times.

19 May 05

Briefly Noted

By Stacy Sullivan in The Hague (TU 315, 26-30 May 2003)

1 May 05

Painful Legacy of US Airstrikes

Many Afghans say they had to pay a heavy price for the American bombing raids that forced the Taleban out of power.

3 Mar 05

Kabulis Question US Motives

Afghans enjoy the freedoms that flowed from the overthrow of the Taleban, but are deeply sceptical about the events and motives behind the toppling of the brutal regime.

3 Mar 05
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