
Kajegeldin on Trial

Unable to lure him back from exile, the Kazak government is pushing ahead with the trial of a leading Nazarbaev opponent.

14 Nov 05

Uzbek Drought

Thousands are leaving the northern region of Karakalpakstan, as water supplies dry up for the second year running.

14 Nov 05

Bishkek's Civil Society Threat

Kyrgyz civic groups mobilise against a 'monstrous' draft law to curtail political parties and NGOs, and the government may be listening.

14 Nov 05

Five Years of Struggle

The war-shattered economy has prompted hundreds of thousands of impoverished Tajiks to abandon their country.

14 Nov 05

Turkmenistan: Election Talk Postponed

The supreme legislative body votes not to discuss presidential elections until 2009, despite hints from the Turkmen leader that he might not stay on forever.

5 Nov 05
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