
Amu Darya Bridge Project Stalled

Construction of a major bridge in eastern Turkmenistan has ground to a halt because of a contractual dispute with the Ukrainian builders, centring on who should supply the cement for the bridge supports.

25 Jul 06

Historic Buildings Under Threat in Western City

Residents of the western port of Turkmenbashi have condemned plans to demolish a whole swathe of historic buildings as an attempt to erase the past from people’s collective memory.

25 Jul 06

Students Pay Their Way Through University

As monthly salary payments fall behind, corruption has assumed immense proportions levels among teachers at schools and in higher education in Turkmenistan. Enrolment for higher educational institutions has begun, but future entrants are less than excited

24 Jul 06

Expat Turks Praise Working Conditions in Turkmenistan

Of all the various foreign companies that operate in Turkmenistan, it is only Turkish firms that enjoy preferential terms for accommodation, business and taxation, as President Saparmurat Niazov has accorded them the maximum benefits in return for their p

24 Jul 06
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