Turkmenistan: Pressed into Service
Recruiters will take anyone, no matter how unfit, to fill the ranks of an army whose main job is to provide a free labour force.
Recruiters will take anyone, no matter how unfit, to fill the ranks of an army whose main job is to provide a free labour force.
The Kyrgyz government stands accused of trading refugee rights for a better political relationship with Tashkent.
The controversial commander Abdul Rashid Dostum has little chance of winning votes outside his own constituency.
Niazov puts new squeeze on education spending by making it harder for teachers to get pay increases.
Government warns of extremist plots but doubts remain about the danger posed by Islamic groups.
South seethes with anger after popular religious leader gunned down by security services.
NGOs and other public groups harassed and denied permission to register.
Endless propaganda and bribes to pass exams are just two of the disincentives to going to university in Turkmenistan.