
Prisoners in Two Minds About Freedom

Thousands of prisoners are being freed under an amnesty in Tajikistan, but as Jamoliddin Saifiddinov reports, many have little to look forward to on the outside.

4 Dec 09

Hard Times in Tajikistan

One of the most visible effects of depression in Tajikistan is the sight of men hanging around in groups, hoping someone will take them on for a day’s work.

20 Nov 09

Tajiks Act on Swine Flu Fears

The authorities in Tajikistan are screening passengers arriving at airports and railway stations for signs of swine flu, Zarina Ergasheva reports.

20 Nov 09

Tajiks Clear the Air With Moscow

After months of turbulence in relations with Russia, the Tajik leader seems to have smoothed things over and gained significant concessions.

18 Nov 09
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