
Killer Moths Attack Orchards in Kyrgyz South

Ulukbu Amirova reports from Batken in southern Kyrgyzstan where the blackened remains of fruit trees bear witness to a plague of gypsy moths – and lost livelihoods.

23 Jun 09

Migrant Kids' Schooling Problems

Children whose parents have moved to the capital Bishkek in search of work have problems getting into school, Kristina Dolgikh reports.

11 Jun 09

Loan-Sharks Fill Credit Gap

Getting a bank loan is so long and complex a process in Kyrgyzstan that many people turn to private lenders, without thinking of the risks.

11 Jun 09

Quake Victims Homeless Two Years On

People who have lived in tents since an earthquake hit southern Kyrgyzstan in 2007 say they have yet to receive the government loans they were promised.

6 Jun 09
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