
Unstable Tajik Lake to be Tamed

Everyone recognises that Lake Sarez, a large body of water high in the mountains of Tajikistan, could burst through the dam holding it at almost any moment. Where the experts differ is on how to stop this happening.

9 Oct 09

Kyrgyz Opposition MP Under Pressure

Kubanychbek Kadyrov could now face charges, in what his opposition colleagues see as a politically-inspired campaign to marginalise government critic.

5 Oct 09

Migrants Wait Crisis Out in Russia

Fewer migrant workers than anticipated have come back to Kyrgyzstan from abroad, and reporter Nurlan Abdaliev went to the Russian city of Novisibirsk to find out how the rest are weathering the ongoing economic crisis.

29 Sep 09

DIY Coal Mines in Kyrgyz South

Ulukbu Amirova reports from Batken region in southern Kyrgyzstan, where many locals earn a living by digging coal out of the ground.

22 Sep 09

Kyrgyzstan Wrong to Cede Control of Mineral Resources – MP

Roza Otunbaeva, head of the parliamentary commission for mineral reserves, says she believes the Kyrgyz government has abdicated its responsibilities by allowing foreign investors to have too much control over its gold and other mineral reserves .

22 Sep 09

Sharing Kyrgyzstan's Gold Revenues

A gold mine in the mountains of northeast Kyrgyzstan continues to generate debate about how much of the money earned from it should return to communities living nearby.

22 Sep 09

Will Kyrgyz Copy Neighbours' Web Controls?

A new law passed recently in Kazakstan gives the state greater powers to control the internet, but for the moment Kyrgyzstan does not appear to be following suit.

15 Sep 09

Bloggers Gather in Bishkek

Nuraim Ryskulova reports on an informal conference of bloggers and other web specialists from Kyrgyzstan and the wider region.

15 Sep 09
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