
Return to Putingrad

The Russian authorities offer cold comfort to the thousands of refugees returning to the ruins of Grozny

23 Jun 00

The Legacy of Separatism

The Russians are faced with the daunting task of tackling ecological damage caused by pre-war economic anarchy in Chechnya

23 Jun 00

Kadyrov Steps into the Firing Line

Within two days of Akhmed Kadyrov being named as Moscow's mouthpiece in Chechnya, one of his closest supporters was assassinated in his home

16 Jun 00

Balkarian Town Reintroduces Censorship

In a bid to gag the independent media, the local authorities in Prokhladny have illegally established a so-called "Press Service" which has been charged with the censorship of mutinous newspapers

16 Jun 00

Sixty Minutes Plays with Fire

Government attempts to gag a crusading TV programme spark widespread condemnation in Tbilisi. The president backs down. For the time being, at least.

9 Jun 00

Little Cause for Celebration

With each faction convinced that its superior wisdom and statecraft has won the day, a semblance of normality is returning to Karachaevo-Cherkessia

9 Jun 00
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