
Ossetians Defy Tbilisi

Recent talks in Vienna have failed to break the deadlock between Georgia and the mutinous ethnic enclave of South Ossetia.

18 Aug 00

Abkhazia Exposed

President Ardzinba opposes the withdrawal of Russian troops from Abkhazia, and warns against any ideas to impose NATO troops on the territory.

18 Aug 00

Sparks Fly Over Armenian Privatisation

Opposition politicians in Yerevan claim plans to privatise the nation's electricity suppliers have been deliberately biased towards the West.

18 Aug 00

Putin Plays Hard Ball

With the Chechen conflict now entering its 12th month, is there evidence the rebels have bitten off more than they can chew?

11 Aug 00

Chechen Peacemaker Assassinated

Leaders across the North Caucasus pay tribute to murdered Chechen leader Yusup Soslambekov - a man whom many saw as the only real hope for peace in Chechnya

11 Aug 00

Yerevan Hit by Water Crisis

Armenian water bosses are blaming catastrophic water shortages on poor management and a crumbling distribution system

11 Aug 00
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