North Ossetia

Kyrgyz Prosecutor Gets Tough

One by one, chief prosecutor Beknazarov is picking off those accused to abuses under the old regime.

20 Nov 05

Why is Turkmenbashi Wielding the Axe?

An ongoing wave of sackings looks increasingly like an attempt by the president to scare off anyone who might be thinking about regime change.

20 Nov 05

Tradition Traps Widows

Traditional values are making it difficult for women who have lost their husbands to marry who they wish.

18 Nov 05

Sweet Alternative to Opium

Farmers in Baghlan province see the revival of an old sugar factory as a way to produce an alternative to lucrative opium production.

18 Nov 05

Outcry Over Russian Debt Demands

Moscow wants repayment of loans from war era, but Afghans say they’re the ones who should be paid for losses the Soviets inflicted on their country.

18 Nov 05
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