North Ossetia

Tajik Opposition Leader Arrested

Questions are asked about how a high-profile figure turned up in detention in Tajikistan when he was last seen as a free man in Russia.

20 Nov 05

Compulsive Reading in Turkmenistan

Everyone’s reading it, but only because studying the president’s book is compulsory for pre-school kids and surgeons alike.

20 Nov 05

Akaev Snubs Kyrgyz Investigators

Prosecutor general warns that ex-president’s immunity from prosecution could be stripped from him if wrongdoing is proved.

20 Nov 05

Landslide Win for New Kyrgyz Leader

Most observers believe the election was largely fair, although the losing candidates from the “new opposition” dispute Kurmanbek Bakiev's overwhelming victory.

20 Nov 05

Former Premier Faces the Music

Ex-president Akaev’s prime minister returns to the country to defend his role, but others appear less willing to do so.

20 Nov 05
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