
Mesic Tops Presidential Polls

As Croatia's presidential race enters the closing straight, three front runners--Stipe Mesic, Drazen Budisa and Mate Granic--have left the other six candidates in their wake.

21 Jan 00

'Political' Theft Blocks Studio B

Studio B, Serbia's largest non-state broadcaster, is no longer able to reach some 2 million viewers, following the theft of vital broadcasting equipment in what is alleged to have been a politically motivated burglary.

21 Jan 00

Milosevic's Medals Spurned

While Belgrade continues to dole out awards and medals, several bereaved parents have spurned the baubles presented to their dead sons by Milosevic.

21 Jan 00

A Criminal and a Witness

Arkan's killing fits a pattern of executions of public personalities in Serbia, and even he boasted to the Hague tribunal that he knew too much about the crimes of the regime.

18 Jan 00

Arkan's Montenegro Link

Could Arkan's ties with Montenegro - including his support for the republic's president - provide a motive for the warlord's murder?

18 Jan 00

Serbia's Catalogue of Killings

Since the beginning of the war with Croatia, more than 500 people have been assassinated in Serbia - with police either unwilling or unable to solve the crimes.

18 Jan 00

Momir's New Year's Rally

On a cold winter's night in Podgorica, thousands of demonstrators chanted their support for Federal Prime Minister Bulatovic, proving that the pro-Serbian constituency in Montenegro remains a force to be reckoned with.

18 Jan 00

Joint Border Patrols in Bosnia

Having lost patience with obstructionist Bosnian politicians, the High Representative for Bosnia has imposed legislation creating the country's first unified border service.

18 Jan 00

The Russian Media Turns

Russian media are rapidly souring on the Chechen campaign, while the government retains tight controls on information leaking out of the embattled republic.

14 Jan 00

Crime and Politics in Macedonia

Opposition politicians and media have intensified accusations of government collusion with organised crime in Macedonia following the murder of three police officers on routine patrol.

14 Jan 00
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