
Kordic and Cerkez Trial: Kordic's Military Role

Tribunal ICTY prosecutors present a controversial audio recording of an intercepted phone conversation between one of the accused and a military commander prior to the attack on Kacuni.

5 Feb 00

Yugoslav Army Compensation Battle

Families demanding compensation from the Yugoslav Army for relatives killed while serving in Kosovo claim they are being short-changed.

4 Feb 00

New Role for Kosovo Women

Albanian women widowed by the Kosovo war are learning to do what was once considered men's work.

4 Feb 00

Putin's Recipe For Success

Acting President Putin's phenomenal popularity is founded on his vision of a "strong state" prepared to ride roughshod over democratic principles.

4 Feb 00

Kosovars Balk at New Executive

A move by the international community to govern Kosovo jointly with local politicians is viewed by some Albanians as a threat to their struggle for independence.

1 Feb 00

Rewriting Bosnia's 'Holy Book'

A proposal by the Bosniak co-prime minister of Bosnia to reform the Dayton agreement is attacked by local Serb leaders fearing it will spell the end of Republika Srpska.

1 Feb 00

'Tadpole' Tadic's Sentence Reduced

The first convicted war criminal has had his sentence reduced by five years to reflect his relative low position in the Serbian command structure.

29 Jan 00
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