
An Audience with Kadare

Ismail Kadare, Albania's best-known poet and novelist, talks to IWPR about his hopes and fears for the region.

9 May 01

Montenegrin Referendum Inevitable

Brussels and Belgrade both celebrated the Montenegrin electoral results, but they are seriously misguided if they believe the disintegration of Yugoslavia can be halted.

9 May 01

Djukanovic's Dilemma

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic faces a tough choice if he is to secure a majority government

6 May 01

Kumanovo Braced for War

The streets of this ethnically mixed town have gone silent, and some Albanian families have fled. As gun-ships fly nearby, a nervous population watches the conflict edge closer.

6 May 01

VIEWPOINT: Serbia's New Capital

Serbian citizens are still in denial over war crimes and continue to reject the tribunal. But the engine of change in Serbia - and its greatest hope - is The Hague.

5 May 01
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