
Pointless Opposition

While Milosevic controls all with precision and proficiency, the opposition is totally lost, running around like headless chickens.

6 Sep 05

Generals Jump Ship

Three former Yugoslav Army generals have outraged Belgrade by backing the Montenegrin leadership.

6 Sep 05

Opposition Campaign Fizzles Out

There's growing public disillusionment with the Serbian opposition's campaign to oust President Slobodan Milosevic.

6 Sep 05

Kosovo Serb Divisions Intensify

The Serb National Council decision to rejoin Kosovo's joint institutions has deepened divisions among the minority's leaders.

6 Sep 05

Breaking the Silence

The verdict against Filipovic has criminalised the truth. But the case has also helped force open the issue of war crimes in Serbia, and free speech, in the end, never loses.

6 Sep 05
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