
Bosnia: Hardliners Regroup

Nationalists across Bosnia have exploited Western preoccupation with Afghanistan to reinforce their hard-line positions.

6 Sep 05

Montenegro: Independence Setback

Leading international official signals opposition to referendum on Montenegrin independence just as Belgrade and Podgorica finally agree to its inevitability.

6 Sep 05

Djukanovic Under Pressure

As Slobodan Milosevic steps up pressure on Montenegro, the republic's leader reassures the West that he will not rush towards independence.

6 Sep 05

Croatian Serb Refugees Ponder Return

Many Serb refugees from Croatia have welcomed the new liberal government in Zagreb, but still fear intimidation and discrimination if they return.

6 Sep 05

Leak Poisons Balkans Relations

Balkan politicians are eager to apportion blame as a massive cyanide spillage wends its way from Romania to the Black Sea.

6 Sep 05
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