
Concern Mounts For Kosovar Lawyer Arrested By Serb Police

Abducted by a special team of Serbian policemen on December 3 and since held incommunicado, Teki Bokshi, the Kosovar Albanian lawyer who has led efforts to free some 2,000 ethnic Albanians still held in Serbian jails, now shares their uncertain fate.

10 Nov 05

Yugoslav Military Flex Muscles In Montenegro

The stand off at Podgorica airport last week highlighted a stream of small-scale confrontations between Belgrade and Podgorica that is increasingly successfully undermining Montenegro's efforts to make its own way in the Balkans.

10 Nov 05

A New Chance For Inter-Ethnic Relations

VMRO-DPMNE candidate Boris Trajkovski swung last month's presidential elections in Macedonia, despite allegations of vote fraud, notably in the west of the country. But what does it mean for ethnic harmony in the country?

10 Nov 05

Against The West And Against The New President In Macedonia

President Boris Trajkovski is facing an uphill struggle in his efforts to win over the Macedonian media, who have turned against him and his election win, suspecting a 'Albanian plot' cooked up with the help of the international community.

10 Nov 05
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